Timeline Stories

DIVERSIFICATION – Rubber Tank Technology

Rubber Collapsible Tanker

Coulson Transport was involved in many transport initiatives including rubber collapsible tankers for chemical and fuel distribution. Coulson also pioneered the heating fuel distribution for BP and installed an innovative delivery hose unit, officially trademarked as the’ Scully Hose Nozzle’, that whistled to the driver when complete.

George Hayes Limb

George Limb

In 1924, George Hayes Limb enjoys the best of motoring at the time, in the flying mile. George was in later years instrumental in the buyout of family members with his wife Shirley Irene Coulson. Their son George Limb took control of the company.

Charles Coulson

Charles Coulson- Tony's Great Great Grandfather

Charles Coulson- Founded Coulson Transport (Tony’s Great Great Grandfather)